So does everyone here like a set of Big Beautiful tits? And especially when they are the Big beautiful tits of a hot and hung trans girl? Yep. NAILED it! We all love them and some of us more than others. I for one really enjoy a set of bit tits. I love the look no matter what the girl is wearing. And I also love the feel. The way they feel in my hands and mouth. To hold them from behind while riding the girl. Or to have them above me when she is sitting on my cock and riding me.
No matter what a set of Big beautiful tits adds a lot of fun to the sex. You can titty fuck the girl or lick them like ice cream cones. No matter you can do all sorts of fun things that will be nice and hot and add to the heat of your fuck. The rack on Naomi Chi is particularly pleasing to look at and touch. And as you can also see in the photo below that they look amazing in a bikini or any other sort of clothing.
Click on that image below to see more of this set and to watch her get those big tits out.